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Total Bcl-2 Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
商品货号: PLA000837
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: BCL2
  • Human_gene_id: 596
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=596
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P10415
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P10415/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P10417
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10417
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P49950
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P49950
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA3042C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2
  • 功能: G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle, mitotic cell cycle, response to reactive oxygen species, cell morphogenesis, cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation, response to acid, skeletal system development, ossification, ovarian follicle development, regulation of cell growth, urogenital system development, metanephros development, ureteric bud development, branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis, behavioral fear response, response to hypoxia,morphogenesis of a branching structure, cell activation, leukocyte homeostasis, B cell homeostasis, kidney development, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, tissue homeostasis, regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, positive regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, hair follicle development, regulation of cell-matrix adhesion, morphogenesis of an epithelium, behavioral defense response, hemopoietic progenitor cell differentiation, immune effector process, lymphocyte homeostasis, lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation, B cell lineage commitment, T cell lineage commitment, immune system development, leukocyte differentiation, reproductive developmental process, renal system process, protein amino acid phosphorylation, protein amino acid dephosphorylation, melanin metabolic process, phosphorus metabolic process, phosphate metabolic process, oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process, regulation of nitrogen utilization, mitochondrial transport, cellular ion homeostasis, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, cellular metal ion homeostasis, apoptosis, anti-apoptosis, defense response, immune response, humoral immune response, response to oxidative stress, mitochondrion organization,mitochondrial membrane organization, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization, cell-substrate junction assembly, cell cycle, cell adhesion, cell-matrix adhesion, gamete generation, germ cell development, female gamete generation, regulation of mitotic cell cycle, ectoderm development, axonogenesis, sensory organ development, sex differentiation, female pregnancy, aging, cell aging, response to nutrient, behavior, cell death, cell proliferation,positive regulation of cell proliferation, negative regulation of cell proliferation, regulation of cell size, gonad development, epidermis development, male gonad development, female gonad development, activation of pro-apoptotic gene products, apoptotic mitochondrial changes, response to temperature stimulus, response to radiation,response to heat, response to UV, response to light stimulus, response to wounding, response to virus, response to abiotic stimulus, response to toxin, response to endogenous stimulus, response to hormone stimulus, post-embryonic development, response to extracellular stimulus, oocyte differentiation, response to organic substance, response to inorganic substance, response to metal ion, response to iron ion, response to aluminum ion, response to ionizing radiation, response to UV-B, response to gamma radiation, regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol, negative regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol, regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process, positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process, positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process, posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, positive regulation of cell development, regulation of cell-substrate adhesion, regulation of cell death, positive regulation of cell death, regulation of metal ion transport, programmed cell death, mesenchymal cell development, regulation of neuron maturation, positive regulation of neuron maturation, response to organic cyclic substance, response to purine, regulation of smooth muscle cell migration, positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration, membrane organization, cell growth, vesicle organization, regulation of striated muscle tissue development,death, phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, cell-cell adhesion, peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation, peptidyl-serine modification, peptidyl-threonine modification, regulation of phosphate metabolic process, cellular homeostasis, secondary metabolic process, sexual reproduction, pons development, cochlear nucleus development, metencephalon development, cell cycle process, cell cycle phase, molting cycle process, hair cycle process, ovulation cycle process, biological adhesion, gland morphogenesis, cellular cation homeostasis, cellular di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, actin filament-based process, cell projection organization, actin cytoskeleton organization, hemopoiesis, lymphocyte differentiation, regulation of cell adhesion, neuron differentiation, B cell differentiation, T cell differentiation, regulation of ossification, negative regulation of ossification, negative regulation of cell growth, melanocyte differentiation, regulation of cell migration, positive regulation of cell migration, negative regulation of cell migration, hindbrain development, response to caffeine, hair follicle morphogenesis, regeneration,neuron projection regeneration, axon regeneration, neuron projection development, regulation of protein modification process, positive regulation of protein modification process, cell-substrate adhesion, regulation of protein stability,response to nutrient levels, response to corticosteroid stimulus, regulation of cellular protein metabolic process,positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis, multicellular organism reproduction, regulation of cellular component size, glomerulus development, regulation of homeostatic process, negative regulation of homeostatic process, regulation of cellular pH reduction, negative regulation of cellular pH reduction, regulation of protein localization, mononuclear cell proliferation, cellular component morphogenesis, cell part morphogenesis, regulation of myeloid cell apoptosis, negative regulation of myeloid cell apoptosis, cellular pigmentation, T cell differentiation in the thymus, regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, response to vitamin, cellular response to stress, multicellular organismal response to stress, regulation of osteoblast proliferation, negative regulation of osteoblast proliferation, response to cytokine stimulus, cell junction assembly, cell junction organization, response to nicotine, tube morphogenesis, organ growth,tube development, growth, regulation of growth, regulation of locomotion, negative regulation of locomotion,regulation of multicellular organism growth, positive regulation of locomotion, positive regulation of multicellular organism growth, B cell proliferation, T cell activation, B cell activation, regulation of cell proliferation, molting cycle,regulation of phosphorylation, positive regulation of phosphorylation, regulation of membrane potential, pigment metabolic process, response to drug, response to hydrogen peroxide, homeostatic process, fear response, hair cycle,ovulation cycle, regulation of apoptosis, T cell homeostasis, positive regulation of apoptosis, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of catalytic activity, regulation of ion transport, negative regulation of ion transport, response to alkaloid, positive T cell selection, CD4-positive or CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment, CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation, CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment,regulation of protein binding, response to peptide hormone stimulus, pigmentation, regulation of protein homodimerization activity, regulation of protein heterodimerization activity, regulation of neuron apoptosis, negative regulation of neuron apoptosis, ear development, response to estrogen stimulus, positive regulation of molecular function, T cell selection, regulation of viral genome replication, development of primary sexual characteristics, cell fate commitment, leukocyte activation, response to ethanol, positive regulation of cell differentiation, regulation of melanocyte differentiation, positive regulation of melanocyte differentiation, regulation of neuron differentiation,negative regulation of cell cycle, negative regulation of cell size, positive regulation of striated muscle development,negative regulation of growth, positive regulation of growth, negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle, positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process, development of primary female sexual characteristics, development of primary male sexual characteristics, alpha-beta T cell activation, alpha-beta T cell differentiation, lymphocyte activation, lymphocyte proliferation, female sex differentiation, male sex differentiation, regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death, negative regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death, response to copper ion, regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability, intracellular transport, focal adhesion formation, pigmentation during development, regulation of pigmentation during development, positive regulation of pigmentation during development, oogenesis, rhythmic process, hemopoietic or lymphoid organ development, spleen development, thymus development, response to steroid hormone stimulus, digestive tract morphogenesis, gut morphogenesis, gut development, developmental growth, oocyte development, reproductive structure development, reproductive process in a multicellular organism, reproductive cellular process, regulation of muscle development, positive regulation of muscle development, regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development, positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development, neuron development, cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation, response to axon injury,tissue morphogenesis, epidermis morphogenesis, gland development, regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development,positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development, pigment granule organization, branching morphogenesis of a tube, mesenchymal cell differentiation, neuron projection morphogenesis, neural nucleus development, cell projection morphogenesis, multicellular organismal homeostasis, homeostasis of number of cells, homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue, chemical homeostasis, regulation of neurogenesis, regulation of viral reproduction, ion homeostasis,pigment cell differentiation, regulation of pigment cell differentiation, positive regulation of pigment cell differentiation,negative regulation of transport, positive regulation of developmental process, regulation of binding, regulation of muscle cell differentiation, positive regulation of muscle cell differentiation, regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation, positive regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation, regulation of phosphorus metabolic process,positive regulation of multicellular organismal process, positive regulation of protein metabolic process, regulation of cell motion, negative regulation of cell motion, positive regulation of cell motion, interphase, interphase of mitotic cell cycle, response to glucocorticoid stimulus, response to mineralocorticoid stimulus, neuron apoptosis, response to corticosterone stimulus, response to folic acid, defense response to virus, regulation of cell cycle, response to protein stimulus, regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential, membrane depolarization, regulation of mitochondrial depolarization, negative regulation of mitochondrial depolarization, regulation of calcium ion transport, negative regulation of calcium ion transport, regulation of nervous system development, metal ion homeostasis, di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, calcium ion homeostasis, cation homeostasis, cellular chemical homeostasis, digestive system development, anatomical structure homeostasis, regulation of cell development, bone development,epithelium development, mesenchyme development, negative regulation of cell death, epithelial tube morphogenesis,ureteric bud morphogenesis, apoptosis in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, response to oxygen levels,leukocyte proliferation,
  • 相关产品: YT5756,YT0471,YT0470,YT0469,YP1121,YP0646,YP0033,YP0032,YP0031,YM3041,KA3043C,KA3042C,KA3041C,KA1032C,KA1031C,KA1030C
  • 细胞定位: Mitochondrion outer membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Nucleus membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Cytoplasm .
  • 组织表达: Expressed in a variety of tissues.
  • 科研货号: PLA000837
Total Bcl-2 Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
Catalog No PLA000837
Product information
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: BCL2
  • Human_gene_id: 596
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=596
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P10415
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P10415/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P10417
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10417
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P49950
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P49950
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA3042C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Apoptosis regulator Bcl-2
  • 功能: G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle, mitotic cell cycle, response to reactive oxygen species, cell morphogenesis, cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation, response to acid, skeletal system development, ossification, ovarian follicle development, regulation of cell growth, urogenital system development, metanephros development, ureteric bud development, branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis, behavioral fear response, response to hypoxia,morphogenesis of a branching structure, cell activation, leukocyte homeostasis, B cell homeostasis, kidney development, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, tissue homeostasis, regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, positive regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, hair follicle development, regulation of cell-matrix adhesion, morphogenesis of an epithelium, behavioral defense response, hemopoietic progenitor cell differentiation, immune effector process, lymphocyte homeostasis, lymphoid progenitor cell differentiation, B cell lineage commitment, T cell lineage commitment, immune system development, leukocyte differentiation, reproductive developmental process, renal system process, protein amino acid phosphorylation, protein amino acid dephosphorylation, melanin metabolic process, phosphorus metabolic process, phosphate metabolic process, oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process, regulation of nitrogen utilization, mitochondrial transport, cellular ion homeostasis, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, cellular metal ion homeostasis, apoptosis, anti-apoptosis, defense response, immune response, humoral immune response, response to oxidative stress, mitochondrion organization,mitochondrial membrane organization, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization, cell-substrate junction assembly, cell cycle, cell adhesion, cell-matrix adhesion, gamete generation, germ cell development, female gamete generation, regulation of mitotic cell cycle, ectoderm development, axonogenesis, sensory organ development, sex differentiation, female pregnancy, aging, cell aging, response to nutrient, behavior, cell death, cell proliferation,positive regulation of cell proliferation, negative regulation of cell proliferation, regulation of cell size, gonad development, epidermis development, male gonad development, female gonad development, activation of pro-apoptotic gene products, apoptotic mitochondrial changes, response to temperature stimulus, response to radiation,response to heat, response to UV, response to light stimulus, response to wounding, response to virus, response to abiotic stimulus, response to toxin, response to endogenous stimulus, response to hormone stimulus, post-embryonic development, response to extracellular stimulus, oocyte differentiation, response to organic substance, response to inorganic substance, response to metal ion, response to iron ion, response to aluminum ion, response to ionizing radiation, response to UV-B, response to gamma radiation, regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol, negative regulation of calcium ion transport into cytosol, regulation of glycoprotein biosynthetic process, positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process, positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process, posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, positive regulation of cell development, regulation of cell-substrate adhesion, regulation of cell death, positive regulation of cell death, regulation of metal ion transport, programmed cell death, mesenchymal cell development, regulation of neuron maturation, positive regulation of neuron maturation, response to organic cyclic substance, response to purine, regulation of smooth muscle cell migration, positive regulation of smooth muscle cell migration, membrane organization, cell growth, vesicle organization, regulation of striated muscle tissue development,death, phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, cell-cell adhesion, peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation, peptidyl-serine modification, peptidyl-threonine modification, regulation of phosphate metabolic process, cellular homeostasis, secondary metabolic process, sexual reproduction, pons development, cochlear nucleus development, metencephalon development, cell cycle process, cell cycle phase, molting cycle process, hair cycle process, ovulation cycle process, biological adhesion, gland morphogenesis, cellular cation homeostasis, cellular di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, actin filament-based process, cell projection organization, actin cytoskeleton organization, hemopoiesis, lymphocyte differentiation, regulation of cell adhesion, neuron differentiation, B cell differentiation, T cell differentiation, regulation of ossification, negative regulation of ossification, negative regulation of cell growth, melanocyte differentiation, regulation of cell migration, positive regulation of cell migration, negative regulation of cell migration, hindbrain development, response to caffeine, hair follicle morphogenesis, regeneration,neuron projection regeneration, axon regeneration, neuron projection development, regulation of protein modification process, positive regulation of protein modification process, cell-substrate adhesion, regulation of protein stability,response to nutrient levels, response to corticosteroid stimulus, regulation of cellular protein metabolic process,positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis, multicellular organism reproduction, regulation of cellular component size, glomerulus development, regulation of homeostatic process, negative regulation of homeostatic process, regulation of cellular pH reduction, negative regulation of cellular pH reduction, regulation of protein localization, mononuclear cell proliferation, cellular component morphogenesis, cell part morphogenesis, regulation of myeloid cell apoptosis, negative regulation of myeloid cell apoptosis, cellular pigmentation, T cell differentiation in the thymus, regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation, response to vitamin, cellular response to stress, multicellular organismal response to stress, regulation of osteoblast proliferation, negative regulation of osteoblast proliferation, response to cytokine stimulus, cell junction assembly, cell junction organization, response to nicotine, tube morphogenesis, organ growth,tube development, growth, regulation of growth, regulation of locomotion, negative regulation of locomotion,regulation of multicellular organism growth, positive regulation of locomotion, positive regulation of multicellular organism growth, B cell proliferation, T cell activation, B cell activation, regulation of cell proliferation, molting cycle,regulation of phosphorylation, positive regulation of phosphorylation, regulation of membrane potential, pigment metabolic process, response to drug, response to hydrogen peroxide, homeostatic process, fear response, hair cycle,ovulation cycle, regulation of apoptosis, T cell homeostasis, positive regulation of apoptosis, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of catalytic activity, regulation of ion transport, negative regulation of ion transport, response to alkaloid, positive T cell selection, CD4-positive or CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment, CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation, CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell lineage commitment,regulation of protein binding, response to peptide hormone stimulus, pigmentation, regulation of protein homodimerization activity, regulation of protein heterodimerization activity, regulation of neuron apoptosis, negative regulation of neuron apoptosis, ear development, response to estrogen stimulus, positive regulation of molecular function, T cell selection, regulation of viral genome replication, development of primary sexual characteristics, cell fate commitment, leukocyte activation, response to ethanol, positive regulation of cell differentiation, regulation of melanocyte differentiation, positive regulation of melanocyte differentiation, regulation of neuron differentiation,negative regulation of cell cycle, negative regulation of cell size, positive regulation of striated muscle development,negative regulation of growth, positive regulation of growth, negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle, positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process, development of primary female sexual characteristics, development of primary male sexual characteristics, alpha-beta T cell activation, alpha-beta T cell differentiation, lymphocyte activation, lymphocyte proliferation, female sex differentiation, male sex differentiation, regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death, negative regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death, response to copper ion, regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability, intracellular transport, focal adhesion formation, pigmentation during development, regulation of pigmentation during development, positive regulation of pigmentation during development, oogenesis, rhythmic process, hemopoietic or lymphoid organ development, spleen development, thymus development, response to steroid hormone stimulus, digestive tract morphogenesis, gut morphogenesis, gut development, developmental growth, oocyte development, reproductive structure development, reproductive process in a multicellular organism, reproductive cellular process, regulation of muscle development, positive regulation of muscle development, regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development, positive regulation of skeletal muscle tissue development, neuron development, cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation, response to axon injury,tissue morphogenesis, epidermis morphogenesis, gland development, regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development,positive regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development, pigment granule organization, branching morphogenesis of a tube, mesenchymal cell differentiation, neuron projection morphogenesis, neural nucleus development, cell projection morphogenesis, multicellular organismal homeostasis, homeostasis of number of cells, homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue, chemical homeostasis, regulation of neurogenesis, regulation of viral reproduction, ion homeostasis,pigment cell differentiation, regulation of pigment cell differentiation, positive regulation of pigment cell differentiation,negative regulation of transport, positive regulation of developmental process, regulation of binding, regulation of muscle cell differentiation, positive regulation of muscle cell differentiation, regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation, positive regulation of striated muscle cell differentiation, regulation of phosphorus metabolic process,positive regulation of multicellular organismal process, positive regulation of protein metabolic process, regulation of cell motion, negative regulation of cell motion, positive regulation of cell motion, interphase, interphase of mitotic cell cycle, response to glucocorticoid stimulus, response to mineralocorticoid stimulus, neuron apoptosis, response to corticosterone stimulus, response to folic acid, defense response to virus, regulation of cell cycle, response to protein stimulus, regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential, membrane depolarization, regulation of mitochondrial depolarization, negative regulation of mitochondrial depolarization, regulation of calcium ion transport, negative regulation of calcium ion transport, regulation of nervous system development, metal ion homeostasis, di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, calcium ion homeostasis, cation homeostasis, cellular chemical homeostasis, digestive system development, anatomical structure homeostasis, regulation of cell development, bone development,epithelium development, mesenchyme development, negative regulation of cell death, epithelial tube morphogenesis,ureteric bud morphogenesis, apoptosis in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress, response to oxygen levels,leukocyte proliferation,
  • 相关产品: YT5756,YT0471,YT0470,YT0469,YP1121,YP0646,YP0033,YP0032,YP0031,YM3041,KA3043C,KA3042C,KA3041C,KA1032C,KA1031C,KA1030C
  • 细胞定位: Mitochondrion outer membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Nucleus membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; Single-pass membrane protein . Cytoplasm .
  • 组织表达: Expressed in a variety of tissues.
  • 科研货号: PLA000837
  • Hunan UPT Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
    Website:www.uptbio.com Servive hotline :4006916686
    Room 402, Building 13, Xinggong International Industrial Park, 100 Guyuan Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.

