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Phospho Cofilin (S3) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
商品货号: PLA000556
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: CFL1
  • Human_gene_id: 1072
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=1072
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P23528
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P23528/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P18760
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P18760
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P45592
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P45592
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1554C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Cofilin-1 (18 kDa phosphoprotein) (p18) (Cofilin, non-muscle isoform)
  • 功能: cell morphogenesis, cytokinesis, response to acid, ameboidal cell migration, neural crest cell migration, embryonic epithelial tube formation, neural plate morphogenesis, neural plate development, neural tube formation, neural fold formation, morphogenesis of an epithelium, protein amino acid phosphorylation, phosphorus metabolic process,phosphate metabolic process, anti-apoptosis, cell motion, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization,establishment or maintenance of cell polarity, intracellular signaling cascade, small GTPase mediated signal transduction, Ras protein signal transduction, Rho protein signal transduction, regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization, response to endogenous stimulus, embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching,response to organic substance, response to organic nitrogen, positive regulation of organelle organization, regulation of cell death, primary neural tube formation, mesenchymal cell development, neural crest cell development, neural crest cell differentiation, response to amine stimulus, phosphorylation, morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium, cell migration, neural tube development, establishment of cell polarity, actin filament-based process, actin cytoskeleton organization, regulation of actin filament length, regulation of actin filament depolymerization, positive regulation of actin filament depolymerization, regulation of cellular component size, regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization,regulation of actin filament-based process, cellular component morphogenesis, regulation of organelle organization,tube lumen formation, tube morphogenesis, tube development, regulation of apoptosis, chordate embryonic development, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, response to amino acid stimulus, positive regulation of protein complex disassembly,regulation of protein complex disassembly, embryonic morphogenesis, tissue morphogenesis, mesenchymal cell differentiation, cell motility, positive regulation of cellular component organization, cell division, regulation of cytoskeleton organization, positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization, localization of cell, epithelium development, mesenchyme development, negative regulation of cell death, epithelial tube morphogenesis,morphogenesis of an epithelial fold,
  • 相关产品: YT1006,YP0070,KA4044C,KA1554C
  • 细胞定位: Nucleus matrix . Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton . Cell projection, ruffle membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein ; Cytoplasmic side . Cell projection, lamellipodium membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein ; Cytoplasmic side . Cell projection, lamellipodium . Cell projection, growth cone . Cell projection, axon . Colocalizes with the actin cytoskeleton in membrane ruffles and lamellipodia. Detected at the cleavage furrow and contractile ring during cytokinesis. Almost completely in nucleus in cells exposed to heat shock or 10% dimethyl sulfoxide.
  • 组织表达: Widely distributed in various tissues.
  • 科研货号: PLA000556
Phospho Cofilin (S3) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
Catalog No PLA000556
Product information
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: CFL1
  • Human_gene_id: 1072
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=1072
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P23528
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P23528/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P18760
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P18760
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P45592
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P45592
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1554C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Cofilin-1 (18 kDa phosphoprotein) (p18) (Cofilin, non-muscle isoform)
  • 功能: cell morphogenesis, cytokinesis, response to acid, ameboidal cell migration, neural crest cell migration, embryonic epithelial tube formation, neural plate morphogenesis, neural plate development, neural tube formation, neural fold formation, morphogenesis of an epithelium, protein amino acid phosphorylation, phosphorus metabolic process,phosphate metabolic process, anti-apoptosis, cell motion, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization,establishment or maintenance of cell polarity, intracellular signaling cascade, small GTPase mediated signal transduction, Ras protein signal transduction, Rho protein signal transduction, regulation of actin polymerization or depolymerization, response to endogenous stimulus, embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching,response to organic substance, response to organic nitrogen, positive regulation of organelle organization, regulation of cell death, primary neural tube formation, mesenchymal cell development, neural crest cell development, neural crest cell differentiation, response to amine stimulus, phosphorylation, morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium, cell migration, neural tube development, establishment of cell polarity, actin filament-based process, actin cytoskeleton organization, regulation of actin filament length, regulation of actin filament depolymerization, positive regulation of actin filament depolymerization, regulation of cellular component size, regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization,regulation of actin filament-based process, cellular component morphogenesis, regulation of organelle organization,tube lumen formation, tube morphogenesis, tube development, regulation of apoptosis, chordate embryonic development, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, response to amino acid stimulus, positive regulation of protein complex disassembly,regulation of protein complex disassembly, embryonic morphogenesis, tissue morphogenesis, mesenchymal cell differentiation, cell motility, positive regulation of cellular component organization, cell division, regulation of cytoskeleton organization, positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization, localization of cell, epithelium development, mesenchyme development, negative regulation of cell death, epithelial tube morphogenesis,morphogenesis of an epithelial fold,
  • 相关产品: YT1006,YP0070,KA4044C,KA1554C
  • 细胞定位: Nucleus matrix . Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton . Cell projection, ruffle membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein ; Cytoplasmic side . Cell projection, lamellipodium membrane ; Peripheral membrane protein ; Cytoplasmic side . Cell projection, lamellipodium . Cell projection, growth cone . Cell projection, axon . Colocalizes with the actin cytoskeleton in membrane ruffles and lamellipodia. Detected at the cleavage furrow and contractile ring during cytokinesis. Almost completely in nucleus in cells exposed to heat shock or 10% dimethyl sulfoxide.
  • 组织表达: Widely distributed in various tissues.
  • 科研货号: PLA000556
  • Hunan UPT Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
    Website:www.uptbio.com Servive hotline :4006916686
    Room 402, Building 13, Xinggong International Industrial Park, 100 Guyuan Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.

