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Phospho PYK2 (Y580) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
商品货号: PLA000220
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: PTK2B
  • Human_gene_id: 2185
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=2185
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: Q14289
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/Q14289/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: Q9QVP9
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9QVP9
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P70600
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P70600
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1218C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta (EC (Calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase) (CADTK) (Calcium-regulated non-receptor proline-rich tyrosine kinase) (Cell adhesion kinase beta) (CAK-beta) (CAKB) (Focal adhesion kinase 2) (FADK 2) (Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2) (Related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase) (RAFTK)
  • 功能: MAPKKK cascade, response to reactive oxygen species, angiogenesis, oocyte maturation, regulation of cell growth,blood vessel development, response to hypoxia, regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, vasculature development, reproductive developmental process, regulation of translation, protein complex assembly, protein amino acid phosphorylation, phosphorus metabolic process, phosphate metabolic process, oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process, cellular ion homeostasis, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, cellular metal ion homeostasis,apoptosis, cell motion, response to osmotic stress, response to oxidative stress, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization, cell-substrate junction assembly, cell adhesion, cell-matrix adhesion, cell surface receptor linked signal transduction, enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway, transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, signal complex assembly, epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway, elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration, intracellular signaling cascade, protein kinase cascade, JAK-STAT cascade, gamete generation, germ cell development, female gamete generation, cell death, cell proliferation, positive regulation of cell proliferation, regulation of cell size, response to mechanical stimulus, response to abiotic stimulus, response to endogenous stimulus, response to hormone stimulus, response to carbohydrate stimulus, response to hexose stimulus, response to glucose stimulus, positive regulation of biosynthetic process, oocyte differentiation, response to organic substance, response to inorganic substance, response to metal ion, response to lithium ion, response to organic nitrogen, positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process, positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process, posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, regulation of protein kinase cascade,programmed cell death, glial cell proliferation, response to organic cyclic substance, response to tropane, death,phosphorylation, cell migration, peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation, peptidyl-tyrosine modification, regulation of phosphate metabolic process, cellular homeostasis, sexual reproduction, developmental maturation, biological adhesion, cellular cation homeostasis, cellular di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, actin filament-based process, cell projection organization, actin cytoskeleton organization, neuron differentiation, regulation of ossification,negative regulation of ossification, positive regulation of cell growth, regulation of cell migration, positive regulation of cell migration, neuron projection development, positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process, regulation of protein modification process, cell-substrate adhesion, activation of protein kinase activity, regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, regulation of Ras GTPase activity,regulation of Rho GTPase activity, positive regulation of Ras GTPase activity, positive regulation of Rho GTPase activity,multicellular organism reproduction, regulation of cellular component size, positive regulation of Rac GTPase activity,activation of Ras GTPase activity, activation of Rho GTPase activity, activation of Rac GTPase activity, positive regulation of kinase activity, response to monosaccharide stimulus, cell junction assembly, cell junction organization,cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization, cellular macromolecular complex assembly, regulation of Rho protein signal transduction, regulation of growth, regulation of locomotion, positive regulation of locomotion,gliogenesis, regulation of cell proliferation, response to cocaine, regulation of phosphorylation, response to drug,response to hydrogen peroxide, homeostatic process, activation of Janus kinase activity, positive regulation of catalytic activity, regulation of GTPase activity, stress fiber formation, response to alkaloid, regulation of MAP kinase activity, positive regulation of MAP kinase activity, regulation of MAPKKK cascade, regulation of JUN kinase activity,positive regulation of JUN kinase activity, blood vessel endothelial cell migration, endothelial cell migration, positive regulation of GTPase activity, regulation of kinase activity, cellular protein complex assembly, macromolecular complex subunit organization, positive regulation of molecular function, response to ethanol, positive regulation of translation,regulation of anti-apoptosis, positive regulation of anti-apoptosis, positive regulation of cell size, regulation of protein kinase activity, positive regulation of protein kinase activity, positive regulation of growth, regulation of JNK cascade,regulation of Ras protein signal transduction, focal adhesion formation, cell maturation, oogenesis, blood vessel morphogenesis, oocyte development, reproductive process in a multicellular organism, reproductive cellular process,neuron development, cell motility, chemical homeostasis, ion homeostasis, actin filament bundle formation, regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction, regulation of phosphorus metabolic process, positive regulation of protein metabolic process, regulation of cell motion, positive regulation of cell motion, regulation of hydrolase activity,regulation of transferase activity, positive regulation of hydrolase activity, positive regulation of transferase activity,cytosolic calcium ion homeostasis, response to cAMP, response to calcium ion, localization of cell, metal ion homeostasis, di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, calcium ion homeostasis, cation homeostasis, cellular chemical homeostasis, macromolecular complex assembly, protein complex biogenesis, regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, response to oxygen levels, regulation of cellular response to stress,
  • 相关产品: YT3915,YT3914,YT3913,YT3912,YP1122,YP0810,YP0610,YP0609,KA4258C,KA1736C,KA1218C,KA1217C
  • 细胞定位: Cytoplasm. Cytoplasm, perinuclear region. Cell membrane; Peripheral membrane protein; Cytoplasmic side. Cell junction, focal adhesion. Cell projection, lamellipodium. Cytoplasm, cell cortex. Nucleus. Interaction with NPHP1 induces the membrane-association of the kinase. Colocalizes with integrins at the cell periphery.
  • 组织表达: Most abundant in the brain, with highest levels in amygdala and hippocampus. Low levels in kidney (at protein level). Also expressed in spleen and lymphocytes.
  • 科研货号: PLA000220
Phospho PYK2 (Y580) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
Catalog No PLA000220
Product information
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: PTK2B
  • Human_gene_id: 2185
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=2185
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: Q14289
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/Q14289/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: Q9QVP9
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q9QVP9
  • Rat_swiss_prot_no: P70600
  • Rat_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O54941P70600
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1218C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta (EC (Calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase) (CADTK) (Calcium-regulated non-receptor proline-rich tyrosine kinase) (Cell adhesion kinase beta) (CAK-beta) (CAKB) (Focal adhesion kinase 2) (FADK 2) (Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2) (Related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase) (RAFTK)
  • 功能: MAPKKK cascade, response to reactive oxygen species, angiogenesis, oocyte maturation, regulation of cell growth,blood vessel development, response to hypoxia, regulation of protein amino acid phosphorylation, vasculature development, reproductive developmental process, regulation of translation, protein complex assembly, protein amino acid phosphorylation, phosphorus metabolic process, phosphate metabolic process, oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process, cellular ion homeostasis, cellular calcium ion homeostasis, cellular metal ion homeostasis,apoptosis, cell motion, response to osmotic stress, response to oxidative stress, cytoskeleton organization, actin filament organization, cell-substrate junction assembly, cell adhesion, cell-matrix adhesion, cell surface receptor linked signal transduction, enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway, transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, signal complex assembly, epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway, elevation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration, intracellular signaling cascade, protein kinase cascade, JAK-STAT cascade, gamete generation, germ cell development, female gamete generation, cell death, cell proliferation, positive regulation of cell proliferation, regulation of cell size, response to mechanical stimulus, response to abiotic stimulus, response to endogenous stimulus, response to hormone stimulus, response to carbohydrate stimulus, response to hexose stimulus, response to glucose stimulus, positive regulation of biosynthetic process, oocyte differentiation, response to organic substance, response to inorganic substance, response to metal ion, response to lithium ion, response to organic nitrogen, positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process, positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process, posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression, regulation of protein kinase cascade,programmed cell death, glial cell proliferation, response to organic cyclic substance, response to tropane, death,phosphorylation, cell migration, peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation, peptidyl-tyrosine modification, regulation of phosphate metabolic process, cellular homeostasis, sexual reproduction, developmental maturation, biological adhesion, cellular cation homeostasis, cellular di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, actin filament-based process, cell projection organization, actin cytoskeleton organization, neuron differentiation, regulation of ossification,negative regulation of ossification, positive regulation of cell growth, regulation of cell migration, positive regulation of cell migration, neuron projection development, positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process, regulation of protein modification process, cell-substrate adhesion, activation of protein kinase activity, regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process, regulation of Ras GTPase activity,regulation of Rho GTPase activity, positive regulation of Ras GTPase activity, positive regulation of Rho GTPase activity,multicellular organism reproduction, regulation of cellular component size, positive regulation of Rac GTPase activity,activation of Ras GTPase activity, activation of Rho GTPase activity, activation of Rac GTPase activity, positive regulation of kinase activity, response to monosaccharide stimulus, cell junction assembly, cell junction organization,cellular macromolecular complex subunit organization, cellular macromolecular complex assembly, regulation of Rho protein signal transduction, regulation of growth, regulation of locomotion, positive regulation of locomotion,gliogenesis, regulation of cell proliferation, response to cocaine, regulation of phosphorylation, response to drug,response to hydrogen peroxide, homeostatic process, activation of Janus kinase activity, positive regulation of catalytic activity, regulation of GTPase activity, stress fiber formation, response to alkaloid, regulation of MAP kinase activity, positive regulation of MAP kinase activity, regulation of MAPKKK cascade, regulation of JUN kinase activity,positive regulation of JUN kinase activity, blood vessel endothelial cell migration, endothelial cell migration, positive regulation of GTPase activity, regulation of kinase activity, cellular protein complex assembly, macromolecular complex subunit organization, positive regulation of molecular function, response to ethanol, positive regulation of translation,regulation of anti-apoptosis, positive regulation of anti-apoptosis, positive regulation of cell size, regulation of protein kinase activity, positive regulation of protein kinase activity, positive regulation of growth, regulation of JNK cascade,regulation of Ras protein signal transduction, focal adhesion formation, cell maturation, oogenesis, blood vessel morphogenesis, oocyte development, reproductive process in a multicellular organism, reproductive cellular process,neuron development, cell motility, chemical homeostasis, ion homeostasis, actin filament bundle formation, regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction, regulation of phosphorus metabolic process, positive regulation of protein metabolic process, regulation of cell motion, positive regulation of cell motion, regulation of hydrolase activity,regulation of transferase activity, positive regulation of hydrolase activity, positive regulation of transferase activity,cytosolic calcium ion homeostasis, response to cAMP, response to calcium ion, localization of cell, metal ion homeostasis, di-, tri-valent inorganic cation homeostasis, calcium ion homeostasis, cation homeostasis, cellular chemical homeostasis, macromolecular complex assembly, protein complex biogenesis, regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, response to oxygen levels, regulation of cellular response to stress,
  • 相关产品: YT3915,YT3914,YT3913,YT3912,YP1122,YP0810,YP0610,YP0609,KA4258C,KA1736C,KA1218C,KA1217C
  • 细胞定位: Cytoplasm. Cytoplasm, perinuclear region. Cell membrane; Peripheral membrane protein; Cytoplasmic side. Cell junction, focal adhesion. Cell projection, lamellipodium. Cytoplasm, cell cortex. Nucleus. Interaction with NPHP1 induces the membrane-association of the kinase. Colocalizes with integrins at the cell periphery.
  • 组织表达: Most abundant in the brain, with highest levels in amygdala and hippocampus. Low levels in kidney (at protein level). Also expressed in spleen and lymphocytes.
  • 科研货号: PLA000220
  • Hunan UPT Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
    Website:www.uptbio.com Servive hotline :4006916686
    Room 402, Building 13, Xinggong International Industrial Park, 100 Guyuan Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.

