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Phospho Caspase-2 (S157) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
商品货号: PLA000161
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: CASP2
  • 蛋白名称: Caspase-2
  • Human_gene_id: 835
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=835
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P42575
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P42575/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P29594
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P29594
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1159C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Caspase-2 (CASP-2) (EC (Neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated protein 2) (NEDD-2) (Protease ICH-1) [Cleaved into: Caspase-2 subunit p18; Caspase-2 subunit p13; Caspase-2 subunit p12]
  • 功能: proteolysis, apoptosis, anti-apoptosis, induction of apoptosis, cell death, induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals, regulation of cell death, positive regulation of cell death, programmed cell death, induction of programmed cell death, death, protein processing, regulation of apoptosis, positive regulation of apoptosis, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, protein maturation, protein maturation by peptide bond cleavage, negative regulation of cell death,
  • 相关产品: YT0655,YP0997,YC0025,YC0024,KA3935C,KA3934C,KA3198C,KA1159C
  • 组织表达: Expressed at higher levels in the embryonic lung, liver and kidney than in the heart and brain. In adults, higher level expression is seen in the placenta, lung, kidney, and pancreas than in the heart, brain, liver and skeletal muscle.
  • 科研货号: PLA000161
Phospho Caspase-2 (S157) Cell-Based Colorimetric ELISA Kit
Catalog No PLA000161
Product information
  • 发货日期: 14
  • 基因名称: CASP2
  • 蛋白名称: Caspase-2
  • Human_gene_id: 835
  • Human_gene_link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&term=835
  • Human_swiss_prot_no: P42575
  • Human_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/P42575/entry
  • Mouse_swiss_prot_no: P29594
  • Mouse_swiss_link: http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P29594
  • 储存: 2-8°C/6 months
  • 说明书: KA1159C.pdf
  • 其他名称: Caspase-2 (CASP-2) (EC (Neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated protein 2) (NEDD-2) (Protease ICH-1) [Cleaved into: Caspase-2 subunit p18; Caspase-2 subunit p13; Caspase-2 subunit p12]
  • 功能: proteolysis, apoptosis, anti-apoptosis, induction of apoptosis, cell death, induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals, regulation of cell death, positive regulation of cell death, programmed cell death, induction of programmed cell death, death, protein processing, regulation of apoptosis, positive regulation of apoptosis, negative regulation of apoptosis, regulation of programmed cell death, positive regulation of programmed cell death, negative regulation of programmed cell death, protein maturation, protein maturation by peptide bond cleavage, negative regulation of cell death,
  • 相关产品: YT0655,YP0997,YC0025,YC0024,KA3935C,KA3934C,KA3198C,KA1159C
  • 组织表达: Expressed at higher levels in the embryonic lung, liver and kidney than in the heart and brain. In adults, higher level expression is seen in the placenta, lung, kidney, and pancreas than in the heart, brain, liver and skeletal muscle.
  • 科研货号: PLA000161
  • Hunan UPT Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
    Website:www.uptbio.com Servive hotline :4006916686
    Room 402, Building 13, Xinggong International Industrial Park, 100 Guyuan Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China.

